elearning.pngeLearning for Sector Staff and Foster Carers


eLearning Module




Aboriginal Cultural Appreciation (CPFS) [000001]

This course aims to develop an appreciation and understanding of Aboriginal Culture in the context of Child Protection, covering Aboriginal Origins, Colonisation, Policy Impact on Social Development and Myths/Considerations.

Dept Staff; Carers; Sector


Alcohol and Other Drugs - Introduction (CPFS) [000392]

Gives a fundamental understanding of the issues associated with problematic Alcohol and Other Drug use

Dept Staff; Carers; Sector


CaLD: An Introduction to Cultural and Language Diversity (CPFS) [000022]

Cultural Competency training for Dept. staff working with people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) backgrounds.

Dept Staff; Carers; Sector


Child Development and Attachment: An Introduction (CPFS) [000033]

An  introduction to child development and attachment with a focus on typical developmental pathways of children, factors influencing development and the importance of healthy attachment for development.

Dept Staff; Carers; Sector


Child Protection: An Introduction (CPFS) [000038]

An introduction to child abuse and neglect;  types, impacts and risk factors.

Dept Staff; Carers; Sector


Children in Care: An Introduction (CPFS) [000040]

Essential knowledge about their role in supporting children in care as outlined by legislation, policy and practice frameworks

Dept Staff; Carers; Sector


Cyber Security Awareness (CPFS) [000538]

This course comprises six topics: Intro to cyber security, The cyber threat, socially engineered email, preventing cyber incidents, policies, procedures and responsibilities and securing your home computer and mobile devices

Dept CPFS Staff


Emergency Services: An Introduction (CPFS) [000345]

An overview of the Department's role in Emergencies.

Dept Staff


Family and Domestic Violence: An Introduction (CPFS) [000068]

This course aims to develop an awareness of family and domestic violence, in the context of child protection

Dept Staff; Carers; Sector


Foster Carer Preparation Training - Self Paced (CPFS) [000346]

This Online Learning Program provides applicant Foster Carers and newly approved carers with the learning necessary to prepare for fostering children and young people within the care of the Department for Child Protection and Family Support.

Dept Staff; Carers


Safe Sleeping (CPFS) [000133]

To reduce the risk of sudden unexpected deaths in infants, including the risk that can occur when babies co-sleep. This course provides professionals working with families with infants current evidence based information on safe sleeping practices.

Dept Staff; Carers; Sector


Last modified: Sunday, 1 April 2018, 12:36 PM