Family & Foster Carers Learning Pathways

Learning Opportunities for Family and Foster Carers  (Updated for 2025)


  • We believe that carers are the key agents of change for children in care
  • We believe that it is essential that carers are well supported to continue to develop skills in this role
  • We believe that carers who are supported, and have access to excellent learning opportunities, will be better carers, and remain carers for longer
  • We believe that all carers have the right to ongoing learning opportunities, and to be able to access this in a variety of ways

The Department is proud to offer the following learning opportunities to carers.

Online e-Learning


Family & Foster Carer Development Workshops

The following online modules will take about 45-60 mins to complete, and generally provide an overview of the topic. These have been selected due to their relevance to the role of carers.

These face to face workshops are managed by Family & Foster Care Learning. They are available to approved carers to further develop their core skills and knowledge for working with children in care, and the child protection system.

Enrolment Process:

You will need to obtain a 'moodle' account to be able to access these courses. Most courses are then available via self-enrolment. 

Your 'moodle' account will also allow you access to any webinars, but you will need to contact us to enrol in a webinar.

To obtain a 'moodle' account please contact:

Family & Foster Care Learning on 6277-4600  or

Email -

Enrolment Process:

Enrolment to these workshops is via:

Online - complete the online enrolment form,

Mail - complete an enrolment form and post,

Email -

Calendar (2025) - click here   Interactive (new for 2025) click here

Phone - 6277-4600


Preparation Training (Self Paced)
This programme is for new applicants  who are unable to attend the face to face training. This is only available on a restricted basis. Please contact your assessor, or Family & Foster Care Learning to discuss enrolment.



Core Learning (within first 12 months)


Recommended Learning (1-2 yrs)


Special Interest Topics


Short e-Learning courses (no login required)

Carer Resources


Core Learning (within first 12 months)


Recommended Learning (1-2 yrs)


Special Interest Topics



Available - anytime!



M: 0429 087 396